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Joe & Jenny Griffiths 26-Jul-2018 10:07
Thanks for the whale watch and photo tips you gave us while on our Island Princess cruise this summer. You and Captain Bob put us on a pod of killer whales, also stellar sea lions, and hump back whales. Almost unbelievable time we had while in Alaska. And your photos, AWESOME!!
Tracey 10-Jan-2018 00:31
Awesome photos Doug. My husband and I really enjoyed your talks while aboard the Disney Wonder last summer. Thank you.
Ric Arayata 20-Nov-2011 04:11
Hi Dough,

I've been searching for really great pictures and yours caught my attention. They are really wonderful. I emailed you to ask your permission for me to use 2 of your lovely photos. Hope you will let me.

Thank you and more power to you.

Ric Arayata
Susan Cleland-Perry 26-Aug-2011 18:02
Doug.... this is Susan Cleland-Perry/ Pete's sister...just talked with my brother Tom, and he told me about his chance meeting of you on the Alaskan cruise.. I am so astounded by whatever forces brought you two together. I had heard you had a wed page with photo's of Pete, and how important he was in your both such lovers of the outdoors.
So, just wanted to pass along how remarkable I think that chance meeting was. By the way, your photo's are wonderful.... you both had that in common, as I always told Pete, his China photo's could've been a coffee table book. Susan
Richard Stokes 02-Jun-2011 09:49
Wow, Doug, wonderful images. I'm very impressed and thankful for the ones you have let me use. Richard
robkuiper18-Feb-2011 22:21
I love your collection of bird pictures, Compliments!
Guest 07-Jan-2011 17:29
Doug, love your alaska / yukon bird gallery! - John in San Jose (who is lucky enough to see Wrens in the redwoods here every few years)
Dan Opdal09-Feb-2009 18:05
Thank You Doug for your comment on my Black Bear image. You have a wonderful collection of galleries.
Dan Opdal
Tom Merigan28-Nov-2008 13:42
Doug I appreciated your comments on my african gallery I like the way your galleries take us into your life and tell such a nice story Tom Merigan Portola Valley Calif
John Armstrong27-Nov-2008 17:10
Thanks for your kind comment and vote

Best Regards John
Del Stewart 30-May-2008 12:57
I have the good fortune of knowing Doug Jones, as a neighbor, an employee, as a friend.
These photos demonstrate the true value of life. Family, Pets, friends, and the true scenic beauty in our world. Thank You Doug for sharing these gorgeous moments with folks around the world, the smiles are surely in the thousands.
Guest 18-Mar-2007 18:53
Nice Gallery
Jakomo 10-Aug-2006 17:44
Hello, I was looking your photos :) Congratulation!!
Best regards,
Labrador Lovers
Cory 25-Jul-2006 04:10
You really have the photographers touch. I don't know how you get every photo looking so good but they sure are fun to look at. I don't get to see such beauty here in California, Alaska is just a different breed. Whenever I get the chance I gotta come and visit you guys, Jesse just keeps making me drool in misery looking at his photos. Very pretty state.
Russia, you guys made a horrific mistake... wanna buy New Jersey?
Ralph Jay 31-Jan-2005 18:40
Hi, Doug!
You are a very patient persevering person with a tremendous talent. All of your pictures are so good! Admittedly I got a lump in my throat when I viewed your Labrador retriever. You see, she is the spitting image of a Lab that I had some years ago.Your fine pictures allowed me to relive some of wonderful times she and I had together, Thanks.

Naturephoto Monique27-Dec-2004 00:55
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos! Looking forward for more Doug!
Best Wishes,
Jeff Cochran16-Mar-2004 17:35
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Ron Swanson 25-Nov-2003 06:49
Great airplane pictures. Great pics in general
northstar3704-Nov-2003 00:31
I've just discovered these galleries and had a small look. I have put you into my list of favourites for a look later.
Chris 28-Jun-2003 04:52
Doug, what talent and what joy these pictures brought to my heart tonight. How I miss Juneau!

Keep up the good work, your pictures are probably as close as I'll ever get to my favorite city.

Thanks so much!